And you can reject PHP code in content, addressing a long-standing vulnerability. 还可以在内容中排斥PHP代码,以解决长期存在的安全隐患。
Content is surely king but an appealing design will make readers remember your site, it will make it stand out from the crowd. Abe was addressing his first news conference of the year. 内容绝对是王道,但是一个吸引人的设计往往使读者记住你的网站,它会让你的博客与众不同。
Augmented content addressing memory 可扩充内容定址存储器
The operation to write content addressing memory no have limit of time interval. 连续写CAM存储器的操作不受时间间隔的限制。
The experiment results showed that the sequence that the different type control events write to the content addressing memory is reasonable arranged, the capability that the high-speed output control external events can proper increased; 结果表明:合理安排不同类型的控制事件写入CAM存储器的顺序,可适当提高HSO系统控制外部事件的容量;
Meanwhile, since the content services have become the main network services, making the existing IP-based addressing face enormous challenges. 同时,由于内容服务已经成为网络服务的主体,使得现有的基于IP地址的寻址方式面临巨大挑战。
Volume holographic storage has became a potential storage means for the merits of high storage density, fast data transfer rate, function of content addressable, high redundancy of information, high addressing speed and the capability of anti-electromagnetic interference. 体全息存储技术以其高存储密度、高传输速率、内容寻址功能、高信息冗余度、寻址速度快和抗电磁干扰等优势,日益受到人们关注,成为磁存储最有可能的替代者。